Richelle has had an intense interest in all things spiritual. As an intuitive, she senses that all things are connected and this time on Earth is a powerful time for change. However, change begins with the individual. She is passionate about the fact that we all share space and energy on this amazing planet, and through holistic practices (body, mind and spirit), we can grow in health, connectiveness, and,ultimately, make the world a better place.
Since she was very young, she has had a strong empathy towards other’s pain and hardships, seeking to help however she could. She has come to believe, as many do, that wellness needs to always start from a holistic, total body-mind-spirit approach. After suffering for several years with chronic pain, she started her own journey to wellness by incorporating practices that have addressed each of these areas. In fact, she chose chronic pain as my focus for an 8 week case study while in school. She indeed has a passion for and experience helping those with chronic pain! As an Usui Reiki Practitioner and Energy Worker for the last several years, she believes massage therapy to be a natural extension of energy work. Forming the perfect bridge between the two, her development as a Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner has been truly exciting! CranioSacral Therapy is a light touch modality that interfaces with the craniosacral system, the soft tissue and fluid that protect your brain and spinal cord. Through life stresses and injuries, this system can be adversely affected, thereby affecting every other system in the body. These tensions can be released so that that body can heal itself. She is a graduate of Academic Excellence in an intensive 750 hour program at Cortiva Institute - Chicago School of Massage Therapy, as well as trained in Craniosacral Therapy through the international Upledger Organization. By utilizing circulatory work, Relaxation, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Craniosacral and other clinical techniques, with the energy work, new levels of health a wellness can be reached. She so love this work and I am very excited to complete many continuing education hours that will only enhance these approaches. She is a member and insured though AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association), a Medallion member with IAHP (International Association of Healthcare Practitioners), and she is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. In her spare time, she teaches classes on energy work, opening intuition and meditation techniques, a strong interest in herbalism, writing her blog, developing a growing jewelry business, as well as continuing all her personal studies that enhance the mind-body-spirit. Richelle's bodywork practice is at Blu Rain Massage in Antioch, IL. You can visit the website, for more information and make an appointment.
Richelle considers herself a modern "medicine woman" and has a great love of the old ways (that she refers to as "The Ways That Always Were) and spends a lot of time researching different spiritualities. She has a huge interest and knowledge in runes, nature work, crystals, herbalism, alternative therapies, essential oils and crafts.
As an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, she offers treatments and attunements, classes, shamanic journeying, paranormal cleansings, mentorship and intuitive readings.
As a licensed massage therapist, she brings her energy work to new levels. By utilizing circulatory work, swedish, myofascial , clinical techniques, CranioSacral Therapy, with the energy work, new levels of health a wellness can be reached.
She is also an artisan in several mediums, but mostly jewelry crafting. Richelle hand chooses natural stones based on their beauty and metaphysical properties for the purpose of spiritual advancement and healing.
You can check out her jewelry and meditation beads on her Facebook sister page: