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Myofascial Release and the Energy Matrix

For the last ten months I’ve been going through a vigorous and intensive program for therapeutic massage therapy. Its been challenging, yes, but also very exciting! Tomorrow is the last day, and soon I will starting my career of healing, using my experience of energy work with hands on modalities. My last assignment, due tomorrow, is a research presentation on a modality topic of my choice. During my training of Myofascial Release, I became extremely excited about its implications on what we know about our body’s energy matrix. Here is some of what I learned, and a few mental connections that I have been thinking about.

Within our physical body, we have a fascial system within every cell. Its a “buffer” between the muscles and its outer world. Initially, it has been thought that this fascial system’s function was tensegrity (simply put, “poles and cables” that supports us) and insulation. Within the cytoskeleton of the cell lie hollow tubes of fascia in which fluid, filled with proteins, flows. Fascia goes from “gel to sol”, our body thrives in the “gel” state, we are looser, more mobility and have less pain. Fascia is everywhere and some converge into great “sheets” known as aponeurosis. These “sheets” can be found in the lower back, abdominal areas and side of thighs, as well as tiny bands around joints.

When someone experiences trauma or an inflammatory response, the fluidity of the fascia is compromised, dehydrated and the solidifies. This results in the “sol” state, a lack of hydration in the tissues. These adhesions in the tissue can deepen and spread, creating negative effects in the body such as pain and restriction. A “straight-jacket” effect. Myofascial Release facilitates warming the fascial tissue, moving the condition from a “sol” state to a “gel” state, and seeing significant change in the tissue. Fascial restrictions can be returned, within a treatment plan, to near normal condition. This approach is different from conventional massage and physical therapy techniques as it engages the fascia, not the muscle directly.

Researchers like John F. Barnes ( a premier researcher and practitioner of Myofascial Release) have concluded through experience that fascia is indeed, part of our energy matrix, as well. He asserts, “Energy, information and consciousness flow within that fluid”. He not only supports tensegrity, but fascia is a “three dimensional web of tiny, hollow tubes filled with fluid, carrying information.” This fluid “holds and conducts liquid, energy and information.” Researchers have found that the proteins found in the fluid, when hydrated, serve are semi-conductors of energy (photons), when dehydrated, can only insulate. These researchers theorize that photons move along fascia structures, spreading out like a web over the body. Light energy of photons, also, move faster that neural responses. This fluid, holds and connects us to the Quantum field, the energy of everything around us, thus giving us access to universal consciousness. Emotions and response to trauma are physiological states that profoundly affect the health of the body. In Barnes’ article, Myofascial Release: The Scientific Rationale, he states, “our experience has shown us, trauma, inflammation, or unresolved emotional holding patterns, dehydrate and tighten the fascial system. This loss of fluid and the resultant solidification of the ground substance of the fascial system block this important communication that eventually produces symptoms of pain, headaches, anxiety, restriction of motion and disease.” In my opinion, the connection between myofascial release and energy work has become very intriguing and I started seeing connections to things I already had learned.

In the study of energy systems, we know that the body has seven major chakra centers in our energetic system. Each of which energetically govern aspects (emotional, spiritual and physical) of how we function and interact with our inner and outer world. These chakra centers send out energy though out the body via meridians and “mini-chakras”. Imagine that it spreads itself out in similar ways that our neural and cardiovascular system does. Channels, tubes and “veins” on energy, traveling through our our body. Sound familiar? I’m not asserting that energetic meridians are in fact the fascial system in the body, but does give you pause to how the energy travels. However, as an energy worker, I can help facilitate movement of energy, remove blocks and help this energy flow more freely. Through my own pilot study, I did indeed find that when I combined my energy work with Myofascial Release, the movement of energy spread in some interesting ways.

In an 8 week study on the effects of massage on chronic pain, I had the pleasure of working with a 32 year old suffering from Fibromyalgia. Initial sessions were light in nature, as the effects of deeper work can cause more pain and episodes known as “flare-ups.” About half way through my study, we agreed to begin myofascial work. My study partner had some significant experience in receiving reiki healing, and knew what the healing involved. My partner reported that when I used myofascial modalities, she could feel the energy spread, “web like” towards the areas of concern, in the direction I was moving the fascia. I concluded that channeling energy into this fascia did, in fact, spread like a matrix through the channels and tubes. My partner reported a more peaceful and healing experience, emotional release, and the effects of the work lasted twice as long as did conventional massage modalities.

What I concluded is that I want to know more! Our energy matrix is more vast beyond we know now, and it certainly interacts with the physical body. Our bodies are the tool our spirit uses to interact with this plane, in all its imperfections and challenges.

Myofascial Release is an excellent for the treatment of pain in conditions such as: back pain, TMJ, disc problems, headaches/migraines, whiplash, sports injuries, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, scar tissue and more. Though certainly not required, when combined with energy work, it can facilitate healthy flow in the energy matrix for the removal of energetic blocks,emotional holding patterns and painful memories that can be a resistance to healing.

For more information on John F. Barnes, and his work I cited, you can visit his page at

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