An Intuitive Mind is a Horrible Thing to Waste
Almost two months ago, I was getting ready to make dinner in the kitchen waiting on my son to get home from school. As I was pulling out my ingredients from the refrigerator, for some reason I walked into the dining room and put on my coat. I zipped it up, and buckled it. I reached for my hat and put in on my head. I had no idea why. Suddenly, my phone rang and my son informed me that he was sitting on the interstate, facing the opposite side of traffic, just having a serious accident. He was not injured, but I found myself completely ready to run out the door to meet him. As I look back, I am amazed. All before the call, I found myself getting ready for it.
Intuition is often overlooked by most of us. Often it is dismissed, sadly, as that “gut feeling” that we get before making decisions. However, Intuition is not just butterflies and cold chills. Its not just a hunch. Intuition is much broader, and in my opinion, it is a medium sized word that describes a vast concept of how we interface with all that is around us.
What is Intuition? Intuition is the manifestation of how our subconscious mind links to spirit/Divine and our own personal energy centers. Using your intuition, is an ability to connect with source, receive input and decipher or filter through conscious thought.
Intuition functions on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Each person experiences intuition differently. There may be physical sensations, such as tingling of the skin, butterflies or a feeling of leaden weights in the stomach; seemingly explicable attractions or aversions to newly met people; sudden, unexplained solutions to problems; feelings of closeness to Deity, and altering plans because of a feeling. Some people use their intuition to interpret “signs” or omens.
Have you ever walked into a room and received bad vibes from someone? Perhaps you meet someone for the first time, but you feel like you have known them before? You are picking up on the energy of that person, and your intuition comes from this energy being interacted within your own energy centers and then interpreted.
Simply put, Intuition comes from interacting with our own personal energy system, energy systems of others, the collective consciousness, and Divine Spirit.
Those who are considered psychic have a more profoundly developed Intuition. Its my personal belief that all human beings have the ability to utilize all the psychic gifts, but due to negative beliefs, emotions and social conditioning, limit their own personal power. At an early age, I was quite sensitive to the world around me. Children are closer to nature, and the natural world operates intuitively. Sometime down my path to personal discovery, I realized that I had blocked myself and I really worked hard to free myself. Gifts of Knowing, clairaudience, clairvoyance and even premonitions began to surface.
One summer, I was on a motorcycle trip. I LOVE TO RIDE. Its freeing and I always feel so much more closely linked to nature around me. For the week prior to the trip, I found myself knowing what people were going to say before they said it. No, I could not claim it was predictable speech patterns or a knowing based on familiarity with the person. It was kind of freaky, and I was even doing with with television programs that I had never seen before. While on the trip, I was riding my super awesome bike (that I affectionately call Flame), and in my minds eye I saw our back rider go down on his bike. It alarmed me and I quickly checked my mirrors. No, he was fine, riding exactly where he was supposed to be. Ten minutes later, however, I happened to look in my mirrors and I saw him go down exactly how I had seen in my mind’s eye just a few moments before. Fortunately, he was not injured, but I was pretty rattled at the time. However, I concluded that it was a gift and that I should not close myself to the hard work I had done so far at being open and receiving guidance from the source that surrounds us.
With intention and dedication, Intuition can be grown and expanded. It can helps us interact with the world around us, AND even help us manifest a richer abundant life.
So, I know a few things about confining, limiting, blocking and overthinking everything. That’s why I feel quite passionate about helping others open and expand their intuition. I teach a four part class called, Opening Your Intuition: An Introduction to Energy. In the class we discuss where intuition comes from, how we block it and we explore tools and ideas on how the re-open that precious connection to all that is around us.
Week One: What is Intuition?
What is it? Where does it come from? Why we need it? How we have blocked it.
Week Two: Increasing Intuition with Tools and Meditation.
Discussion of our personal energy systems, meditation techniques to get the energy flowing more freely, and tools like herbs, oils and crystals that help expand out third eye.
Week Three: The Developed Intuition. A developed intuition manifests itself psychically. A discussion of different psychic gifts, with exercises to help develop some of them.
Week Four: Trusting What You Feel. Engage in a broader subject of intuition/energy and how it relates to the world around you. Time will be devoted to grounding/ centering and shielding/protecting.
I personally believe that until people re-embrace their connection to all things, then we will continue to live in a chaos filled world. Albert Einstein says it perfectly:
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”