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Surrender. Flow

You can not grasp water with a closed fist. As you open your hand, you feel the coolness, refreshment and cleansing from the water. You have received. Then you notice that the water pours through your fingers. You close your hand in an effort to hold on, but the water still pours through your fingers. You can not hold onto that which you have just received. You were not meant to. It is like life. Water is a powerful force. It nourishes. It cleanses. It has the power to shape and destroy. You can not control it, it just flows. Grasping and holding onto what was meant for a moment is not experiencing gratitude for what it brought to you. Surrender and flow with it. Give thanks for what life has brought you. Learn from it. Be nourished by it. Let it shape you. Without anger, attachment or resentment. Let go. Surrender and Flow.

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